

Ken & Christina's Wedding Pics

Yea, I know, it was back in December. I have been a little slow in getting some of these things done lately, but you know how it is when you get old. If not, let me explain. Half the time you forget, the other half you're trying to remember what is was that you forgot. By the time you remember, you either have company for a week or something else seems to be more important. Then by the time you get around to it, it takes you 10 times as long to accomplish as it used to.

Proud papa walking her down the aisle!

I Do!

The proud Mama and Papa. Sorry Marissa, looks like mom wanted center stage. Oh well, who could blame her.

There were so many good pictures to choose from, it was very hard to decide what to put up here. I hope you are happy with the selections.

I know, it kind of looks like a picture of the last supper. The way Marissa was eating, we thought it was.

You can tell by the look on her face, there was nobody more proud of you than your Mother!

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