

Netflix Movie Review - “Marley & Me”

Movie - Marley & MeREVIEW: Though we don’t expect a lot of our Netflix rentals to be that good, which is why we wait for the movie to come out on DVD in the first place, every once in a while we get surprised. Marley & Me is one such movie. Winning lead performances help elevate the picture above its feel-good counterparts; Aniston is radiant and Wilson shows off his loveable comedic persona. Kathleen Turner proves to be a great sport with her physically demanding cameo as Marley's obedience instructor. But in the end the picture belongs to the dogs, and for once that's a good thing. The story will keep you cooing, cracking up, and crying. The end of the film should bring tears to the eyes of almost every viewer. We thought it was a very enjoyable 2 hours. We give it [4 Stars].
SYNOPSIS: Based on the hit memoir by John Grogan, MARLEY AND ME chronicles the relationship of John (Owen Wilson) and Jen (Jennifer Aniston) as they face the challenges of marriage and work to start a family. By their side is their beloved dog, Marley, the runt of a litter, who can chew through drywall. He gets kicked out of obedience school, and never met a leg he didn't like. Through it all, including the raising of three kids, he manages to be the most beloved member of the family.

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